3 Recipes to Sip On National Daiquiri Day:


Is the cocktail world getting a little too fancy for our tastes? 

Between the aquafaba craze, the vegan foamy stuff, which is now used in cocktail bars everywhere in lieu of real egg whites and a variety of infused spirits featuring ingredients from obscure parts of the world, we are left wondering if we moved a little too far off from from the love cocktails we all grew to love. 

The Daiquiri is a simple cocktail comprising or 3 ingredients, two of them unmodifiable without making it an entire different drink. With that in mind, TBDE compiled 3 Daiquiri recipes to sip on today using 3 of the best, yet distinct rums in the world. 


1. Havana Club 3 Year Rum - Classic Daiquiri

Latin Americans have been making cocktails using only low budget and simple tools. Havana Club believes that a Daiquiri can be shaken or even stirred if you don't have a handy blender around. The Daiquiri will always require a combination of sweet (sugar), lime (sour) and of course, rum. 

You don't need fancy gadgets to make fantastic cocktails. Shake this Daiquiri in any large jar with a lid and it will taste just as good! -- Havana Club

The entire recipe for the Havana Club Daiquiri can be found here on Havana Club's website. 

2. Rhum Clemént - Agricole Daiquiri

The Agricole Daiquiri uses 2 oz. Première Canne with equal parts simple cane syrup and fresh lime juice. Shake with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass Garnish with a lime wheel. This awesome poster makes it for a great cocktail menu with amazing recipes featuring the entire line of Rhum Clement.  

Agricole is different from other rums as it typically has more open notes that resemble me of a very good cachaça. Some people argue cachaça is a poor man's version of agricole but I know plenty of people in Brazil who would vehemently disagree. In any case, it makes for an amazing daiquiri. 


3. Angostura Reserva Rum - Angostura Daiquiri Natural

2 parts Angostura Reserva Rum (or Angostura 5 Year Old Rum to make a luxury Daiquiri), 1.5 parts Lime Juice, 1 part Sugar Syrup or more,  depends on how sweet you like it - it is entirely up to the drinker. 

Add ingredients into a jam jar, add cubed ice and shake it viciously for 15 seconds. Strain through a sieve into a cocktail glass (or a champagne flute).

The Angostura Reserva Rum is considered one of the best rums in the world and it couldn't go unnoticed as a great option for this year's edition of National Daiquiri Day. 

Honorable Mention: Rhum Barbancourt

Serious Eats explored the use of this amazing spirit in a daiquiri blind taste. Not surprisingly, herbal, grassy notes were easy to pick up. Though it didn't mesmerize the authors, it deserves a mention for being a great rum on its own or in other spirit forward cocktails.